PGP Server - Windows Server 2003
PGP Version - 10.2 build 283
We've created a script to auto decrypt .PGP file. The script is triggered by 3rd party software (IBM Connect Direct via it's RunTask function).
@echo off
set DecFilPath=D:\XXXXX\abc\%1 ⇔ to define the Decryption File path in set environment
set VendrFile=%DecFilPath%\%2.gpg ⇔ to define the location of client uploaded encrypted file
set EncryptFile=%DecFilPath%\%2.pgp ⇔ to define the targeted encrypted file
ECHO [%TIME:~0,8% %DATE%] Start Decryption >> %DecFilPath%\LogDownload.txt
IF EXIST %EncryptFile% Del %EncryptFile% ⇔ if similar targeted encrypted file exist, delete the old encrypted file
Rename %VendrFile% *.pgp ⇔ rename the client uploaded encrypted file to extension .pgp for PGP to able to decrypt.
pgp --decrypt %EncryptFile% --overwrite remove >> %DecFilPath%\LogDownload.txt 2>&1
ECHO [%TIME:~0,8% %DATE%] End Decryption >> %DecFilPath%\LogDownload.txt
* %DecFilPath%\LogDownload.txt ⇔ logging purpose
Expected outcome:
D:\XXXXX\abc\xyz\clientfile.txt.pgp:decrypt (0:output file D:\XXXXX\abc\xyz\clientfile.txt)
Error outcome:
D:\XXXXX\abc\xyz\clientfile.txt.pgp:decrypt (0:output file clientfile.txt)
The decrypted file should always decrypted to the same path as the encrypted file located as above Expected outcome stated.
But in our scenario, the decrypted file were decryted to the 3rd party software installation path:
D;\Program Files\Sterling Commerce\Connect Direct v4.2.00\Server\program
I know i could introduce the -o option during the decryption, but may i understand what is the behavior of PGP decryption if i do not introduce the -o function? Isn't pgp will always output the file to the same location as the encrpytion file path?